RFID, Digital Printing, QR Codes, Bar Codes, Augmented Reality are among those technologies that can make supply chains smarter, if well employed

Companies like restaurants, stores or even governments around the world are using QR Codes to support social distancing, reduce physical contact and much more

After a disappointing event in September due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the second face-to-face edition brought a new vision of the market, the return of Walmart, among other important initiatives

Agribusiness reaps benefits from Internet of Packaging

Farms are controlling production and inventories, input factories guarantee authenticity of products and correct disposal of packaging, and consumers know what they are consuming

New packaging solution integrates active and intelligent technologies

Nanosensors react with the chemistry of packaged fruits to measure ripeness and a QR Code allows to know the origin of the product and improve its logistics

MCTI announces R$ 50 million for IoT via Finep

MCTI Minister, astronaut Marcos Pontes, announced the resources for what he called 4.0 initiatives, including Internet of Things

Legislation has to define directions for Smart Packaging in Brazil

At IoP Journal World congress, experts and authorities conclude that the country's characteristics demand solutions to solve specific problems, such as cargo theft

Current scenario increases demand for Smart Packaging

Speakers from the international panel of the IoP Journal World conclude that opportunities for IoP deployments in businesses across a range of industries are on the rise

Players point to RFID growth in Brazil

Panel in the RFID Journal Virtually LIVE! with Brazilian authorities, entrepreneurs, and executives shows market expansion

Zebra Brazil’s CEO reveals RFID growth in the Country

Vanderlei Ferreira spoke exclusively to the IoP Journal about the Brazilian RFID scenario and how is it being impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic

Unipac guarantees authenticity of agricultural products

Among the benefits, packaging with NFC safety cover eliminates the risk that criminals will reuse it, after being discarded, with counterfeit and dangerous products

Sincpress represents Brazil at the AIPIA Virtual Congress

The first center of excellence in Smart Packaging in Latin America presented cases and solutions in its online booth

AIPIA highlights HP Brazil’s success case in Smart Packaging

The association's 2020 virtual conference also featured strong lectures, such as that of Professor John Williams, chairman of Information Engineering at MIT