MCTI announces R$ 50 million for IoT via Finep

MCTI Minister, astronaut Marcos Pontes, announced the resources for what he called 4.0 initiatives, including Internet of Things

Edson Perin

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI) launched this Thursday morning, June 18, the launch of Edital MCTI / FINEP de Technologies 4.0. MCTI Minister, astronaut Marcos Pontes, announced resources of R $ 50 million for what he called 4.0 initiatives, including Internet of Things (or IoT, from the English Internet of Things). The funds will be provided via Finep (Financier of Innovation and Research), a Brazilian public company that promotes science and innovation projects.

According to the minister, “the proceeds of the bid will be destined to Brazilian companies that develop innovative projects of high risk and relevance to Brazil in four areas: Agro 4.0, Smart Cities, Industry 4.0 and Health 4.0”.

More information can be obtained at the link to the announcement of Technologies 4.0.

The event was attended by two other authorities, such as the CEO of Finep, Waldemar Barroso, and the secretary of entrepreneurship and innovation (Sempi), Paulo Alvim, in addition to Minister Marcos Pontes himself.

Watch the official launch video:



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