Legislation has to define directions for Smart Packaging in Brazil

At IoP Journal World congress, experts and authorities conclude that the country’s characteristics demand solutions to solve specific problems, such as cargo theft

Franco Motta

Around the world, identification and tracking are the basis for guaranteeing the authenticity of products, enhancing the customer experience and promoting sustainability, allowing progress towards the Circular Economy. In Brazil, however, there are problems that overcome product counterfeiting, expanding, for example, to steal cargo. This was one of the topics addressed by experts and authorities at the virtual congress at IoP Journal World 2020, on the 12th of November.

In the panel “Smart Packaging: Authenticity, Security and Legislation”, mediated by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Lubaszewski (UFRGS), former president of Ceitec and chairman of the IoP Journal Award, brought their collaborations authorities like Henrique Miguel, from Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI); and experts like Prof. Dr. Eric Fabris, Ceitec executive, one of the parents of the Brazilian electronic passport; Paula Valério, chief executive of the Sincpress, the segment’s center of excellence in Latin America; and Prof. Dr. Vidal Melo (USP), researcher at GAESI – Gestão em Automação e TI.

Watch a panel overview (in Portuguese):

At the same day, six success stories were shown that participated in the IoP Journal Award 2020. The successful cases were chosen among 14 applicants, by a jury formed by professors Fernando Rangel de Sousa (UFSC), Glauco Fontgalland (UFCG) and Jean Louis Silva Santos (IFS), and also by the chairman of the Prof. Dr. Marcelo Lubaszewski (UFRGS). The winning case in the popular vote was that of ID-Cotton (read more Melhor Case do IoP Journal Award 2020 vai para ID-Cotton).

The congress showed the practical experiences and advances in the use of technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID), Digital Printing, Augmented Reality, QR Codes, bar codes, among others, that generate benefits for the different participating companies, and that act in several sectors. “As a result, the audience had a privileged view of how business is evolving in the 21st century, especially in the area of packaging and supply chains,” said Edson Perin, editor of IoP Journal.

In addition to the knowledge on the use of Smart Packaging technologies, through presentations of success cases, several topics were discussed in the panels that go beyond the Identification and Tracking initiatives, expanding the horizons for the Guarantee of Authenticity of Products, Improvement of Customer Experience and Incentive to Sustainability and Circular Economy Initiatives, which brings a new potential for Return on Investment (ROI).

It is worth noting that the annual congress IoP Journal Brasil was sponsored by companies SincpressiTag4Next, these by the Diamond Category, and Avery DennisonHasarBrasil and Impinj, on Gold Category.



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