Speakers from the international panel of the IoP Journal World conclude that opportunities for IoP deployments in businesses across a range of industries are on the rise

The company says its new branding signifies a commitment to 'enabling the future' via its portfolio of IoT solutions and sustainability-minded products.

Companies like restaurants, stores or even governments around the world are using QR Codes to support social distancing, reduce physical contact and much more

Smart Packaging includes more than cutting edge technologies

RFID, Digital Printing, QR Codes, Bar Codes, Augmented Reality are among those technologies that can make supply chains smarter, if well employed

Legislation has to define directions for Smart Packaging in Brazil

At IoP Journal World congress, experts and authorities conclude that the country's characteristics demand solutions to solve specific problems, such as cargo theft

Digital printing, yes; and with a lot of creativity

Technology allows high level of creativity, which is essential to challenge what has already been created, stimulate tests, gain versatility and push the limits

Players point to RFID growth in Brazil

Panel in the RFID Journal Virtually LIVE! with Brazilian authorities, entrepreneurs, and executives shows market expansion

Find out the winners of the AIPIA Challenge 2020

Brands present their needs and wishes for solutions on Smart Packaging so the market suppliers can make their proposals

Unipac guarantees authenticity of agricultural products

Among the benefits, packaging with NFC safety cover eliminates the risk that criminals will reuse it, after being discarded, with counterfeit and dangerous products

Sincpress represents Brazil at the AIPIA Virtual Congress

The first center of excellence in Smart Packaging in Latin America presented cases and solutions in its online booth

AIPIA highlights HP Brazil’s success case in Smart Packaging

The association's 2020 virtual conference also featured strong lectures, such as that of Professor John Williams, chairman of Information Engineering at MIT

TalkinThings launches NFC tag for 3 cents

The announcement was made in a live broadcast from Poland, the host country of the manufacturer, this Thursday, the 10th, during the AIPIA Virtual Congress

Register now for the AIPIA Virtual Congress

The Active and Intelligent Packaging Industry Association hosts its online event this September 10th, that costs less than a trip to Amsterdam