Retailer mandates, sustainability and AI are among the drivers this year for the RFID industry as it expands across industries and applications.

Nick Bostrom, Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, and other thinkers must not be wrong: there are lots of things to do before introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as something really good to the Human Civilization

Discover the views of three international experts: Claire Swedberg, editor of RFID Journal; Mark Roberti, founder and former editor of RFID Journal; and Edson Perin, former editor of RFID Journal Brasil and editor of RFID Talks

Sincpress represents Brazil at the AIPIA Virtual Congress

The first center of excellence in Smart Packaging in Latin America presented cases and solutions in its online booth

AIPIA highlights HP Brazil’s success case in Smart Packaging

The association's 2020 virtual conference also featured strong lectures, such as that of Professor John Williams, chairman of Information Engineering at MIT

TalkinThings launches NFC tag for 3 cents

The announcement was made in a live broadcast from Poland, the host country of the manufacturer, this Thursday, the 10th, during the AIPIA Virtual Congress

Register now for the AIPIA Virtual Congress

The Active and Intelligent Packaging Industry Association hosts its online event this September 10th, that costs less than a trip to Amsterdam

Gerdau uses RFID to increase security and reduce human error

The adoption of radio frequency identification by the company should provide benefits beyond expectations, with greater visibility and increased employee productivity

Technologies will make difference especially in small businesses

According to Vanderlei Ferreira, president of Zebra Brasil, smaller entrepreneurs will propel the country to better days in the post-pandemic of Covid-19

Consumers demand more transparent companies

Knowing where each product came from is at the basis of new demands from 21st century buyers, says Alex Modro, executive at Avery Dennison's Brazilian subsidiary

Breaking News: AIPIA Member introduces $0.03 NFC and RFID tag

The aim is to make wide implementation of this technology into mass market FMCG goods a reality

Rafik Group automates manual processes and eliminates errors

The company which produces 60,000 garments a month and sells in its Brazilian stores has adopted radio frequency identification (RFID) solution

AIPIA Virtual Congress Update: Tequila Brand gets Smart

Serpiente bottles are equipped with NFC chips and the boxes are sealed with an inviolable label to ensure security, authentication and visibility in the supply chain