Retailer mandates, sustainability and AI are among the drivers this year for the RFID industry as it expands across industries and applications.

Nick Bostrom, Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, and other thinkers must not be wrong: there are lots of things to do before introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as something really good to the Human Civilization

Discover the views of three international experts: Claire Swedberg, editor of RFID Journal; Mark Roberti, founder and former editor of RFID Journal; and Edson Perin, former editor of RFID Journal Brasil and editor of RFID Talks

Havan supplier in Asia uses Brazilian RFID tag bureau in Taiwan

iTAG delivers RFID tags in Asia for Hong Kong-based Seven clothing manufacturer to insert in men's, women's and children's products to be sold by the Brazilian retailer in Brazil

Havan announces 100% RFID operation

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has already made the retail company reduce its product inventories by 30%, in 155 stores across the country

Smart Packaging focus pharmaceutical and food industries in 2021

Andrew Manly, director of the Active and Intelligent Packaging Industry Association (AIPIA), spoke exclusively to the IoP Journal about expectations for 2021

Chinese brands bring quality in addition to low price

With printers and readers tested and approved by strategic suppliers in Brazil, Chainway and Postek promise to enable RFID applications in several companies

Agribusiness reaps benefits from Internet of Packaging

Farms are controlling production and inventories, input factories guarantee authenticity of products and correct disposal of packaging, and consumers know what they are consuming

New packaging solution integrates active and intelligent technologies

Nanosensors react with the chemistry of packaged fruits to measure ripeness and a QR Code allows to know the origin of the product and improve its logistics

Tubonal improves stock location with RFID

Investment in iTAG's RFID technology favors materials in stock traceability, precision in stored products control and agility in inventories

Beeight keeps the vanguard even in business processes

Owner of clothing brands in the municipality of Cianorte (PR) adopted iTAG technology to gain agility in the entry and exit processes on her CD

Smart Packaging includes more than cutting edge technologies

RFID, Digital Printing, QR Codes, Bar Codes, Augmented Reality are among those technologies that can make supply chains smarter, if well employed

Legislation has to define directions for Smart Packaging in Brazil

At IoP Journal World congress, experts and authorities conclude that the country's characteristics demand solutions to solve specific problems, such as cargo theft