In this edition, Claire Swedberg brings market figures collected by RAIN, Edson Perin shows how sustainability has stimulated RFID and Mark Roberti talks about his commitment to education to evolve the market

Eef de Ferrante, managing director at Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association, said during interview to the IoP Journal that the project gathers momentum as preliminary bid process begins

Retailer mandates, sustainability and AI are among the drivers this year for the RFID industry as it expands across industries and applications.

One person inventory 15,000 pieces in an hour

The For Boys For Girls store chain invests in greater efficiency and agility through radio frequency identification (RFID) technology

How Brick & Mortar became Brick & Mobile

From Brick and Mortar to Brick and Mobility: author proposes how technology, digitization and strategy can help retailers overcome the Covid-19 crisis

MCTI announces R$ 50 million for IoT via Finep

MCTI Minister, astronaut Marcos Pontes, announced the resources for what he called 4.0 initiatives, including Internet of Things

Digital printing, yes; and with a lot of creativity

Technology allows high level of creativity, which is essential to challenge what has already been created, stimulate tests, gain versatility and push the limits

A light at the end of the tunnel against packaging contamination

BioLambda CEO explains how a startup develops UVC irradiators for decontamination of objects and environments, a hot topic with Covid-19

DHL study shows visibility gaps in logistics

60% of industry professionals have an inadequate level of supply chain visibility and 75% plan to deploy IoT to solve problems

MPL Group controls inventories with more than 99% efficiency

In 2019, the clothing manufacturer from Goiás earned 2 million pieces, from 36 thousand SKUs, a volume that demands greater visibility of inventories and the entire supply chain.

Internacionalização da iTag gera novos benefícios aos clientes

Edson Perin A iTag Etiquetas Inteligentes, uma das empresas brasileiras 100% focadas em soluções de negócios com tecnologia de...

Equipe Sincpress lança e-book sobre Smart Packaging

Edson Perin Melhorar a experiência do cliente e fidelizá-lo. Aumentar a segurança da marca por meio da rastreabilidade. Fazer...