Edson Perin
The MPL Group from Goiás, a Brazilian men’s fashion clothing, knitwear, jeans and so-called “flat fabric” industry (with materials such as tricoline, twill etc.), successfully implemented a radio frequency identification (RFID) system to control 100% of your goods. Responsible for the production of the brands M.Pollo and Paco, the company is headquartered in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia (GO). In addition to the factory, the group has three own stores in the metropolitan region of the capital Goiânia.
According to Marcus Antonio Bezerra, head of strategy and innovation at the MPL Group, with RFID, stock accuracy is now more than 99% reliable. “In addition, we can make inventories more frequently, ensuring greater control of the goods, because counting can be done in less time and with fewer people, and in a much more agile way than with bar codes,” he says. The MPL Group’s production is sold nationwide, mainly in the Southeast and Northeast markets, in more than five thousand stores.
“Annually, we launch 36 thousand new SKUs [Stock Keeping Units], that is, 36 thousand types of pieces of different colors and sizes, which total our collections”, explains Bezerra. “In 2019, we invoiced 2 million pieces, for the whole of Brazil, we made the whole conference using
RFID portals ”, he points out. “We have greatly increased the productivity of logistics employees, we have greatly reduced overtime in the sector, thus providing greater dignity to our greatest asset, our people”.
With iTag Etiquetas Inteligentes’ system and BlueBird readers, implanted in the MPL Group, Bezerra says that “we improved our delivery performance, we supplied the entire retail chain within the agreed term. The visibility of inventories and all logistics gained a much higher level of accuracy and efficiency, allowing to control the volume produced, the goods in stock and the customer service with total precision, with a much greater frequency than before. adopt the RFID system ”.
Before RFID, the MPL Group did all inventory control with barcodes, which required more time in operations and, being a manual process, implied errors. According to a study by the RFID Lab, from the University of Auburn, in the United States, the barcode counts reach an average of 86% of correctness, while with RFID the same operation has an accuracy greater than 99.99%.
In an interview with journalist Edson Perin, editor of the IoP Journal, Marcus Antonio Bezerra, head of strategy and innovation at Grupo MPL, explains how RFID improved the company’s processes and performance. Watch the video (in Portuguese):