Nick Bostrom, Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, and other thinkers must not be wrong: there are lots of things to do before introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as something really good to the Human Civilization

Discover the views of three international experts: Claire Swedberg, editor of RFID Journal; Mark Roberti, founder and former editor of RFID Journal; and Edson Perin, former editor of RFID Journal Brasil and editor of RFID Talks

Our waste management vision focuses on offering right products, at the right time, at the right price

How remote digital management can ensure resumption of operations

Reliable distance control through an integrated warning system enables the reduction of new infections and the efficient management of Covid-19

Ceitec encapsulates 1 million chips per month

The Brazilian company has just been approved by a customer targeted to reduce dependence from Chinese suppliers, after Covid-19

MCTI announces R$ 50 million for IoT via Finep

MCTI Minister, astronaut Marcos Pontes, announced the resources for what he called 4.0 initiatives, including Internet of Things

A light at the end of the tunnel against packaging contamination

BioLambda CEO explains how a startup develops UVC irradiators for decontamination of objects and environments, a hot topic with Covid-19

Equipe Sincpress lança e-book sobre Smart Packaging

Edson Perin Melhorar a experiência do cliente e fidelizá-lo. Aumentar a segurança da marca por meio da rastreabilidade. Fazer...