More and more brands invest in connected experiences to help consumers become eco-minded, and taking one step further by doing good through incentivized charity donations

Financial institutions believe that this type of model will impact other traditional means of payment, such as the cards themselves, bank slips, DOC and TED

At least the Brazilian Bank Itaú has already understood that tags for paying parking lots and tolls automatically offer amenities that benefit their brand

A light at the end of the tunnel against packaging contamination

BioLambda CEO explains how a startup develops UVC irradiators for decontamination of objects and environments, a hot topic with Covid-19

Equipe Sincpress lança e-book sobre Smart Packaging

Edson Perin Melhorar a experiência do cliente e fidelizá-lo. Aumentar a segurança da marca por meio da rastreabilidade. Fazer...