Nick Bostrom, Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, and other thinkers must not be wrong: there are lots of things to do before introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as something really good to the Human Civilization

Discover the views of three international experts: Claire Swedberg, editor of RFID Journal; Mark Roberti, founder and former editor of RFID Journal; and Edson Perin, former editor of RFID Journal Brasil and editor of RFID Talks

Conducted by Appetite Creative, the study reveals that 82% used Connected Packaging in 2023 and 78% believe it will improve corporate sustainability credentials

Equipe Sincpress lança e-book sobre Smart Packaging

Edson Perin Melhorar a experiência do cliente e fidelizá-lo. Aumentar a segurança da marca por meio da rastreabilidade. Fazer...